Histologia dos sacos herniários das hérnias inguinais indiretas e diretas em adultos e crianças: identificação de fibras musculares lisas e sua relação com o vaso sangüíneo.




The inguinal hernia will always be a concern among surgeons and a reason of study and improvement of surgical techniques, because of a great incidence and number of reccurrent. Among the surgeries accomplished by the general surgery services, 15% are to correct hernias and it is estimated that 10% of one year of the accomplished hernia surgeries occur to correct the recurrent ones. Among them, 40% to 50% occur in the first post-surgery year and we can say that is due to a technical deficiency or to the correction method. The resulting complications from a non treated hernia, like incarceration or strangulation, and the worker functional incapacity, demand a definite teratment of hernioplasty. The relation between professional activity and hernias emersions have been discussed, for many years, by doctors and jurists. The hernial sac is the object of this study. The focus in to demonstrate the present structures, the bood vassels and the smooth muscles. To this study 250 surgeries werw done to correct inguinal hernias, in men, women and children of different ages, from March 2002 and February 2003. A number of 192 hernial sacs were isolated in 184 surgeries and only 8 patients were treated of bilateral inguinal hernia. They were excluded the patients with inguinal hernia which do not have hernial sac during the surgeries. From this 184 cases, 90 patiens were chosen aleatorialy to make this analisys. They were distributed as follows: 30 male children, 30 female children and 30 male adults. There were not material from female adults due to hernia genesis and anatomical conditions. From this study we verified that the majority of smooth muscles fibers is proper of the hernial sac independent of the smooth muscles fibers of the blood vassels.


vasos sanguíneos decs hérnia inguinal decs hérnia inguinal/complicações decs criança decs recidiva decs cirurgia/métodos decs fibras musculares decs adulto decs dissertações acadêmicas decs

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