História da educação do corpo e ergonomia na 4 série do ensino fundamental : um estudo de caso.




This research is the result of a case study with qualitative approach with students in the 4th grade in a public school in the State of Bahia. It introduces the issue of ergonomics in educational research, matching ideas of authors from education and specific areas. Bringing this discussion at the perspective of health, we are pointing out the importance of putting together different areas to understand the importance of corporeality in the evolution of humans. The body is treated in this research as a cultural, social and historical phenomenon, presenting a theoretical evolution of corporeality and its consequent somatic, physical and social impact on school environment. The methodology used is justified by the need to listen to the body in school, on the assumption that the student is most of the time sitting on a desk in the classroom, limiting, therefore, body and movement, besides causing a possible injury. We know that the complaint of body immobility in school is not a new issue; it is coincident with the criticism about traditional school. Understanding of this phenomenon is essential to go forward on actions related to the school environment, both in regard to learning and as regards health. Data analysis was performed from the following references: body, school environment, health and ergonomics. Among the results, we main point out as the main one the lack of body movement during the school period, especially during the lesson. The children explained an acute body discomfort , due to inadequate buildings, space and time. We suggest that school curricula attentive to the need for body dynamics during the classes and the adequacy holdings, space and time, as well. We also stressed the need for further research on the relationship between the body and the school during the educational process to better understand the limits set by such education to the body and the possible solutions.


education through movement educacao corpo educação pelo movimento ergonomics for school body ergonomia escolar

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