Historias e memorias de educandos e educadores na constituição da identidade do projeto educativo de integração social-PEIS : referencias em politicas publicas e institucionais para a educação de jovens e adultos e formação de educadores




This research focuses on debates and discussions concerning the Education of Youth and Adults and the development process of educators. The study also approaches the management of educational local actions, including the public and the institutional sector and the social responsibility of the University. These actions are based on the reconstitution of the Education and Social Integration Preject ESIP - from a historical, political and social perspective. Created from some semi structured interviews, (individual and collective), the memoirs of the subjects who have participated in the project since 1982 were privileged. Starting from the principles through the reconstitution of the project history that characterize the ESIP identity, during the investigative process of this case study some possibilities of references to the proposition of public and institutional policies for the Education of Youth and Adults carne up. These possibilities were imbricated in the Development of Educators as well as in the theoretical production directed to a pedagogy for adults


educação de jovens e adultos professores - formação politicas publicas

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