Historicizando a (des)construção da gestão democrática em São Leopoldo: um olhar sobre o papel do CEPROL-Sindicato, do Executivo Municipal e das direções de escola




This dissertation analyzes the implemented educational politics in São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from1984 to 2004, following the contour of the principle of democratic management at the Public School System. The interwoven work among the Union for Municipal Teachers in São Leopoldo - CEPROL, the Municipal Executive Power and Public School Heading Boards constituted the main problem leading to this research. The text analyzes the election of school principals as a mechanism from democratic management, achieved by the category in 1985 and removed by the Executive Power in 2002. This demonstrates that politics is a process under permanent construction and that its formulation does not hold guaranteed assets. The woven work of the teaching movement favored the establishment of strategies for democratic School Management in the Municipal Network. However, the tactics for the cooptation of school leaders - involved in a wider political framework - by the Management weakened the organizational capacity of teachers together with their Union. This situation was a fertile soil for political leaders to take contradictory positions at different moments: first granting the right of choosing the School Heading Boards or, later, retaking for themselves the right to indicate them. The methodological course of this research used different instruments: an open questionnaire directed to the female teachers of a school from the Municipal Network so as to register the impact of the indication of their School Heading Board, right after seventeen years of direct election for this function; analysis of press news, laws and other documents that could assist in the historical reconstitution of the organizational process of the category and that of the educational politics; half-structured interviews with presidents, men and women, of the entity representing Municipal Teaching and with historical leaders of the category that had been previously elected for School Heading Boards during the period covered by this study. Through theoretical interlocutors as Vitor Paro, Paulo Freire, Miguel Arroyo, Jenny Ozga, Flávia Werle, Erasto Mendonça among others, we break up with the idea of democratic management understood as the execution of a piece of politics. When understanding the inexistence of this dichotomy, we assume the democratic management as a piece of politics undergoing the process of permanent construction and, therefore, subjected to the advancement and backwardness of its formulations. In this direction, the analysis of the researched educational politics from a historical perspective demonstrates how much history, politics and management are closely tied to one another. But, moreover, this analysis also expresses their neat relationship with a wider ideological, economic and political context that exceeds the local and national space, since it is clearly linked to the financial support of these politics


organização de professores election of school principals políticas educacionais organization of teachers educational politics gestão democrática democratic management eleição de diretores educacao

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