Homologous recombination and the repair of double-strand breaks during cotransformation of Dictyostelium discoideum.


We examined the ability of unlinked nonreplicating plasmid molecules to undergo homologous recombination during cotransformation of Dictyostelium amoebae. The transformation vector B10S confers resistance to the antibiotic G418 and was always presented to amoebae as a closed circle. Cotransforming DNA, containing a slime mold cDNA and sequences homologous to the primary vector, was presented either as a closed circle or as a linear molecule after digestion with restriction endonucleases which cut within one of three distinct regions of the plasmid. Remarkably, homologous recombination occurred in every clone examined. Moreover, the products of recombination were identical in all instances, irrespective of the presence or position of linearized ends. The ends of the linear templates were not recombinogenic. Repair of the introduced double-strand break occurred frequently during recombination. The repair could occur intermolecularly or, more likely, intramolecularly, i.e., by recircularization. Many of the recombination events were of a nonreciprocal nature. Despite the startlingly frequent level of homologous recombination, the use of cotransforming DNA which contains no homology to the selected vector established that such recombination was not required for cotransformation.

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