Honradas senhoras &bons cidadãos : gênero, imprensa e sociabilidades no Recife oitocentista




This work consists of a study about concepts and habits of gender in the city of the Recife in the first half of the 19th century. The Carapuceiro journal is principal object of the analysis. It was published between 1832 and 1847 years by the priest Miguel do Sacramento Lopes Gama (1791-1852). The Carapuceiro journal is an important document about gender relations, besides it also presents a politic discussion concerning the gender roles. This investigation search to emphasize as much norms as habits that defines the gender relations in the 19th century, like this another documents too was used: laws, repots, poems, classified ads, articles, petitions, book childrens, novels, travels journals, and a testament. During this investigation, we search analysis the Lopes Gama discourse detailing his concept of the gender. We believe that Lopes Gama diffused a model of man and woman as a politic purpose: the perfect family formation to the Brazil imperial able of to endow the country of administrator goods.


imprensa social aspectos press gender historia sociability gênero história costumes socias vida urbana recife(pe)

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