Human occupation and conservation of the Serra do Divisor National Park, Alto Jurua-Acre / Ocupação humana e a conservação do Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor (PNSD), Alto Jurua-AC




The Serra do Divisor National Park (PNSD) is a strict use protected area located in state of Acre, in the border with Peru. The National Park was created in 1989 with an area of 843.012 ha, the equivalent of 5,5% of total area of the state. According to the management plan, the National Park had, in 1998, 3.115 inhabitants, grouped in 522 families inside the Park, and 5.967 inhabitants grouped in 996 families on the buffer zone, both inhabitants groups are using natural resources of the National Park. The importance of the National Park is pointed by several studies as priority area for conservation in the Brazilian Amazon. We analyzed the relationship between the human occupation and the conservation by asking a simple question: Do the human presence in the PNSD is compatible with the biological diversity conservation? The data sources include satellite images from 1980, 1990 and 2000; the management plan (1998) done for the Park; demographic census from IBGE from 1991 and 2000; and information related to the studied area. Demographic growth, spatial distribution and deforestation were analyzed using the deforestation as an indicator for conservation status. The deforestation was analyzed in 10 phytoecological units that compose park´s landscape, where the deforestation is concentrated in the floodplains and holocenic terraces. The cumulated deforestation inside the Park is of 9.902,10 ha, or 1,19% of its total area. In the buffer zone, the cumulated deforestation is 17.336,66 ha, or 4,46%. Regarding the demography, we observed the increase of the number of inhabitants of the National Park. Evaluating the occupation dynamic and the conservation status of the phytoecological units that compose the park, we can conclude that the human occupation is compatible with the original vegetation conserved in the National Park.


conservação da natureza man geografia urbana - alto jurua (ac) conservation of nature human geography homem - influencia sobre a natureza

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