Human poliovirus receptor gene expression and poliovirus tissue tropism in transgenic mice.


Expression of the human poliovirus receptor (PVR) in transgenic mice results in susceptibility to poliovirus infection. In the primate host, poliovirus infection is characterized by restricted tissue tropism. To determine the pattern of poliovirus tissue tropism in PVR transgenic mice, PVR gene expression and susceptibility to poliovirus infection were examined by in situ hybridization. PVR RNA is expressed in transgenic mice at high levels in neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system, developing T lymphocytes in the thymus, epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule and tubules in the kidney, alveolar cells in the lung, and endocrine cells in the adrenal cortex, and it is expressed at low levels in intestine, spleen, and skeletal muscle. After infection, poliovirus replication was detected only in neurons of the brain and spinal cord and in skeletal muscle. These results demonstrated that poliovirus tissue tropism is not governed solely by expression of the PVR gene nor by accessibility of cells to virus. Although transgenic mouse kidney tissue expressed poliovirus binding sites and was not a site of poliovirus replication, when cultivated in vitro, kidney cells developed susceptibility to infection. Identification of the changes in cultured kidney cells that permit poliovirus infection may provide information on the mechanism of poliovirus tissue tropism.

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