Hyperacetylated histones facilitate chromatin assembly in vitro.


We have examined the effect of histone acetylation on the in vitro assembly of nucleosomes with DNA and purified histones at physiological ionic strength in the presence of polyglutamic acid. We have found that hyperacetylated histones assemble nucleosomes with greater efficiency, and to a greater extent, than either control or hypoacetylated histones. Assembly reactions were performed over a range of histone to DNA ratios (0.25 to 3.0, w/w) and polyglutamic acid to histone ratios (0 to 1.6, w/w). Although polyglutamic acid may act as a sink to prevent nonspecific histone-DNA interactions, our data suggest that the polyanion primarily facilitates the assembly of nucleosomes by organizing histones into a form that is amenable to deposition.

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