Ideais de anéis de operadores diferenciais / Ideals of rings of differential operators


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In [12] J.T. Stafford proved that every left or right ideal of the Weyl algebra \ A IND. n\ (K) = K[\ x IND. 1\ , ...\ x IND. n\ ](\ partial IND. 1, ...\ partial IND. n\ )(K a field of characteristic zero) is generated by two elements. Consider the ring \ D IND. n\ := K[[\ x IND. 1\ , ...\ x IND.n\ ]](\ partial IND. 1\", ...\ partial IND. n) of differential operators over the ring of formal power series K[[\ x IND. 1\ , ... \ x IND. n\ ]]: A natural question is that if every left or right ideal of \ D IND. n\ (K) can be generated by two elements. In this work we will prove that every left or right ideal of the ring \ E IND. n\ (K) := K((\ x IND. 1\ , ... \ x IND. n\ ))(\ partial IND. 1,...\ partial IND. n\ ) of differential operators over the field of formal Laurent series K((\ x IND. 1\ , ...\ x IND. n\ ))) is generated by two elements. We will prove also that every left or right ideal of the ring \ S IND. n -1\"(K) := K((\ x IND. 1\ , ...\ x IND. n\ -1\ ))[[\ x IND. n]](\ paertial IND. 1, ...\ partial IND. n\ ) is generated by two elements and as a corollary we obtain a proof of that every left or right ideal of the ring \ D IND. 1\ (K) is generated by two elements. This is in accordance with the conjecture that says that in a (noncommutative) Noetherian simple ring, every left or right ideal is generated by two elements


Álgebras de weyl anéis de operadores ideais ideals power series rings of differential operators séries de pot~encias stafford theorem teorema de stafford weyl algebras

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