Identidades polinomiais em algebras T-primas / Polynomial identities in T-prime algebras




In this work we study tensor products of T-prime T-ideals over infinite fields. The behaviour of these tensor products over a field of characteristic zero was described by Kemer. First we show, using methods due to Regev, that such a description holds if one restricts oneself to multilinear polynomials only. Second, applying graded polynomial identities, we prove that the Tensor Product Theorem fails for the T-ideals of the algebras M1,1(E) and E E where E is the infinite dimensional Grassmann algebra; M1,1(E) consists of the 2×2 matrices over E having even (i.e. central) elements of E in the main diagonal, and the other diagonal consisting of odd (anticommuting) elements of E. Then we pass to other tensor products and study the respective graded identities. We obtain new proofs of some cases of Kemer s Tensor Product Theorem. Note that these proofs do not depend on the structure theory of T-ideals but are "elementary" ones. Finally, using graded polynomial identities once again, we show that the Tensor Product Theorem fails in one more case when the base field is of positive characteristic. All this comes to show once more that the structure theory of T-ideals is essentially about the multilinear polynomial identities


algebra não-comutativa polynomials noncommutative algebra aneis (algebra) rings (algebra) polinomios

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