Identification in chickens of an evolutionarily conserved cellular ets-2 gene (c-ets-2) encoding nuclear proteins related to the products of the c-ets proto-oncogene.


In chicken cells, we previously identified a set of proteins (p58-64) structurally related to, but distinct from, the products encoded by the c-ets proto-oncogene. We report here the isolation and nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding nuclear products of mol. wt 58, 60, 62 and 64 kd, indistinguishable from those detected in chicken cells. The p60 and p64 species appear to represent phosphorylated versions on serine and threonine residues of p58 and p62. The homology of p58-64 to other ets-related proteins, including the v-ets encoded domain of the transforming protein of avian leukemia virus E26 and p54c-ets, the translation product of the chicken (Ck) c-ets gene, is confined to two regions of 175 and 96 amino acid residues localized respectively at the carboxy-terminal domain and close to the amino-terminal domain of these molecules. This cDNA corresponds to a gene localized in a locus distinct from that of c-ets which is transcribed as a 4.0-kb RNA species in most chicken tissues. We also identified the human (Hu) c-ets-2-encoded products as two proteins of 60 and 62 kd, highly related to chicken p58-64. This, together with the fact that the amino acid sequence of the cDNA encoding p58-64 is 95% identical to the reported partial sequence of a Hu-c-ets-2 cDNA, indicates that p58-64 are the translation products of the Ck-c-ets-2 gene.

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