Immunoblot analysis of serum immunoglobulin G response to surface proteins of Clostridium difficile in patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhea.


We examined by immunoblot analysis the serum immunoglobulin G antibody response to EDTA-extracted surface proteins of Clostridium difficile in 16 patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhea. For each patient, paired serum samples were tested against proteins of the infecting strain and of a collection strain (C253) known to belong to the electrophoretic group 2 pattern. Eight patients, all harboring group 2 C. difficile strains, exhibited responses to the proteins of the infecting strain; six patients showed increases in the level of antibodies between acute-phase and convalescent-phase sera. A great variability in the antigens recognized was found; however, seven patients possessed antibodies directed against an antigen of about 35 kilodaltons, corresponding to the major protein of group 2 strains. The sera of these seven patients cross-reacted also with the 35-kilodalton and other proteins of strain C253. Our data show that C. difficile proteins other than toxins can elicit an immune response in patients with C. difficile-associated disease; in this group of patients, the major surface protein of the group 2 strains was the antigen most often recognized.

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