Impact and regeneration mechanism after invasion by Pteridium arachnoideum (Kaulf.) Maxon (Dennstaedtiaceae) in savanna woodland areas, southwestern São Paulo State / Impacto da invasão e mecanismos de regeneração natural do cerradão em áreas ocupadas por Pteridium arachnoideum (kaulf.) Maxon (Dennstaedtiaceae) no sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo




The genus Pteridium comprises bracken species recognized by large fronds and a rhizome system that allows their fast expansion. Bracken presents an elevated biomass production throughout the year, that increases fire occurrence and release chemical compounds that are considered allelopathic. Nowadays, species of the genus Pteridium are well known as problem-species, due to their expansion and occupation of large areas around the world, causing great economic and ecological impacts. Aiming at the comprehension of bracken invasion over cerrado vegetation, we studied its impact over the plant community and, also, the slow natural regeneration process of cerrado recovery after invasion. We analyzed savanna woodland areas that have been invaded for over four decades, at Assis Ecological Station (EEcA), in southwestern São Paulo State. We analyzed the floristic composition and the plant community structure in an invaded area, compared to a non invaded patch of savanna vegetation. Components of the arboreal and regeneration strata were analyzed, in order to verify which species managed to pass by the physical and chemical barrier imposed by bracken. We assessed 100 points to assemble the floristic composition, using the quarter method, and for the community structure we used 15 plots of 10 m x 30 m to assemble the superior strata. The intermediate layer was assessed by sub-plots of 2 m x 30 m and the inferior strata using 2 m x 2 m sub-plots. We measured the canopy cover and also bracken cover inside the plots. The arboreal species first occupying the invaded area are shadow tolerant and fast growing, attributes which allowed them to overtake the bracken layer and establish. Nowadays, the invasive species has been replaced by a high number of arboreal species, the inferior strata being floristically similar to the area not invaded. The low density of adult trees in the invaded area reduce the competition among individuals that end up investing in growth, with greater size compared to those trees in the non invaded area. These large trees function as nurse trees, facilitating other species to establish under their canopies. We tested which variables related to the ecological functions and tree structure are favouring the understory, in order to comprehend the ecological processes and interactions that regulate the assembly rules of the invaded community being recovered. We assembled all individuals from arboreal species over 50 cm high growing under the projection of nurse trees canopy. These nurse trees were systematically selected, for the basis of functional and structural attributes. Understory density and richness were higher under trees with dense and permanent shadow, and that was the attribute better explaining the recovery process. The high resilience of savanna have helped the recovery of invaded areas. This process, however, has been very slow. Interventions whiling to restore those areas should be focused on bracken eradication and/or introduction of those species that can facilitate the natural regeneration.


sucessão secundária assembly rules filtros ecológicos savanna ecology ecosystem engineer facilitation secondary succession teoria da facilitação ecologia do cerrado engenharia de ecossistemas

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