Impactos da reestruturação produtiva sobre a região metropolitana de São Paulo no final do seculo XX




This study approaches the impacts of the productive reorganization in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP) in the end of twenty century. Derivatives from economic determination, the transformation in the production technique base, in the course of the ninety s, had caused structural alterations in the industry and in the services, as well as in the occupational structure. This study allowed demonstrating empirically the convergence between the productive reorganization and the regional concentration of the industrial production in the MRSP. The innovative processes and the rupture between the paths of the production and the employment in the evolution of the metropolitan economy are highlighted. The transformations in the labor market had incited the historical difficulties of inclusion of the workers in the occupational structure of the region. The evolution of the occupations in the service sector deepens the heterogeneity and indicates a trend, of polarization on the regional labor market, with serious social consequences. The economic structure of the MRSP has been deeply modified by new technologies and forms of organization of the production bringing up new intra and inter sectors nexuses and in its regional relations as well. The MRSP acquired characteristics where the productive services assume a central role in the production structure and in the employment structure, accurately because it is remained as the main industrial region of the country


economia regional

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