Impasses na relação do aluno com a escrita no ensino fundamental




The present study discusses some specific students problems in the acquisition of writing. The focus is directed to special, though widely spread difficulties, related to a dramatic phenomenon: the acquisition process may be interrupted because problems which affect or interferes in the student-written language relationship get stable. The data analyzed here are written composition tests applied by SARESP (Scholling Result Avaluation System from the State of São Paulo) to students still attending the so called basic education. Written texts done by those who were at the 4th grade were selected since it is expected that, at the grade, students should be able to read and write. It is worth mentioning that such a supposition is, in a large extent, frustrated. In fact, the texts we analyzed could not/cannot be read by anyone. We argue that, even so, they are real texts and should be, as such, recognizes as writing by the teachers (who simply ignore them). The theoretical basis of this study is the dialogical linguistic trend proposed by De Lemos and advanced since 1982. That theoretical approach endeavors to articulate fundamental concepts settled in two areas: la langue, the object of Linguistics, enunciated by Saussure and sustained by authors from the European Structuralism (Saussure, 1916; Jakobson, 1954, 1960 and others) and the psychoanalytic hypothesis of the unconscious, introduced by Freud (1900). The status and nature of the concept of representation is at stake here, not only because this is no doubt a crucial subject when writing is at issue, but also because this discussion sheds light on the distinction between the theoretical viewpoint adopted here and cognitive ones, which are traditional in the area of Education. Thus, this study should not be identified to either behaviorist or constructivist approaches to the process of writing acquisition/learning. This discussion was conducted in accordance with the De Lemos reflections on the child-language interdependent development and with Lier-DeVittos proposal concerning symptomatic child-language development. This Master Thesis was carried on at LAEL-PUCSP under the supervision of Maria Francisca Lier-DeVitto, who is the leader of the CNPq Research Group Language Acquisition, language pathology ands language clinic


linguistica aplicada alfabetizacao nomes pessoais acquisition of writing proper name aluno/escrita inicial criancas -- escrita ensino fundamental students difficulties in writing nome próprio escrita instruction in reading ad writing student-writing

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