Impasses, resistencia e singularidades na construção de projetos politico-pedagogicos : as formas de enfrentamento na implementação das politicas de formação dos profissionais da educação na UFPB




The actual work raises an analysis about the settled relationships between education and development concerning the official ambit and it embraces the period which goes from President Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira?s mandate to the last Military Government. Global and sectorial plans of education elaborated at the focused time were chiefly used as primary resources for the accomplishment of this work. After CEPAL creation, in 1948, there was a rupture with the thesis of the comparative advantages, which used to attach to the peripherical countries both the roles of raw material exporters and manufactured products importers as well. It was intensified the search of means to promote the industrialization of the underdeveloped countries. The Government interference was considered a priority in order to administrate and dynamize the destination of the narrow cash resources. The developing ideology was widespread at the time of the cold war, when the christian West was opposed to the atheist communistic world. From 1955 on, the ISEB theoreticians strengthened the bases of the maintenance of the doctrine of development in Brazil, in order to accelerate the economical expansion of the country. The Brazilian industrialization was performed in its majority through the transference of manual work economical technogies and through a raise of the external debt. The investments on material installations were increased and, on the other hand, it was attributed a minor level to the social politics because they were too much expensive. It was widespread the idea that in the future, prosperity benefits would reach the population in a general way. However the adopted economical politics caused a growing process of concentration of profits To justify these profits, it was, gradually, linked up to the government plans the speech of the value of the education for the development of the country, concerning the capacitation of human resources, who could be able to deal with the new technologies. Through this path, the subjects would contribute to reach the ?national aims?, which were stipulated on those documents and, at the same time, they would acquire social mobility, or else, the most talented ones would be able to rise in the social scale. Thus the ?redeemer school? myth legimated the social exclusion which grew within the nucleus of the capitalist system, the same system that hid the low capacity of the available structure that was supposed to absorb those qualified workers


projeto pedagogico professores - formação resistencia educação e estado educadores - movimento

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