Implantação de sistemas de gestão para garantia da segurança de alimentos. Estudo de caso: Linha de fabricação de file de peixe congelado. / Application of food safety management system Study of case: Line of production frozen filet fish.




Food Safety Management Systems are important prevention methods employed in production lines and have been successfully applied in various industries worldwide. This study aimed to establish a general food safety management system in a production line for frozen fillets in a company that operates in the segment processing, marketing and distributing fish. There was an audit for diagnosis, applying a check-list, before and after training officials in GMP and applied to a “decision tree” for the determination of Critical Control Points. To assess the sanitary-hygienic conditions there was a microbial count on utensils and hands of officials, a count of mesophiles aerobic, total coliform and Estafilococos coagulase positive. These tests were performed before and after the training of employees of the series in GMP. There were a number of non-compliance in different sectors of the plant, which after training and adjustments were reduced. The load for microbial counts of aerobic mesofilos in the hands of handlers was reduced after the training in GMP, while other groups of microorganisms had low or were not detected. As for equipment, after implementation of GMP there were very low counts detected or no presence of the searched microorganisms. There were detected three CCP: the first one on the receipt of raw materials to control biological and chemical hazards, the second CCP on a second stage of filleting to control physical hazards, and the third on the stage of storage to control biological hazards. Measures to basic prevention for these hazards were the effective implementation of GMP, temperature control, raw material inspection, product inspection in candle table, in addition to adequated sanitation of utensils, equipments and employee’s hygiene. The application of the management system to improve safety in all stages of the production process, from the raw material for processing in the unit until the shipment of finished products, resulted in reduction of nonconformities. It was observed reductions on microbial contamination of the developer’s hands, utensils and equipment, therefore, reducing the risk to the consumer’s health. It was also accomplished better management results, such as increased sales and less quantity of discards.


pescados pcc fishes bpf. employee ciencia e tecnologia de alimentos colaboradores

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