Inbreeding Depression and Inferred Deleterious-Mutation Parameters in Daphnia


DENG and LYNCH recently proposed a method for estimating deleterious genomic mutation parameters from changes in the mean and genetic variance of fitness traits upon inbreeding in outcrossing populations. Such observations are readily acquired in cyclical parthenogens. Selfing and life-table experiments were performed for two such Daphnia populations. We observed a significant inbreeding depression and an increase of genetic variance for all traits analyzed. DENG and LYNCH's original procedures were extended to estimate genomic mutation rate (U), mean dominance coefficient (h), mean selection coefficient (s), and scaled genomic mutational variance (V(m)/V(e)). On average, U, h, s and V(m)/V(e) (^ indicates an estimate) are 0.74, 0.30, 0.14 and 4.6E-4, respectively. For the true values, the U and h are lower bounds, and s and V(m)/V(e) upper bounds. The present U, h and V(m)/V(e) are in general concordance with earlier results. The discrepancy between the present s and that from mutation-accumulation experiments in Drosophila (~0.04) is discussed. It is shown that different reproductive modes do not affect gene frequency at mutation-selection equilibrium if mutational effects on fitness are multiplicative and not completely recessive.

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