Incidência de sedentarismo no tempo livre em professores de Educação Física da grande Goiânia




The sedentarism, as secondary risk factor, has been studied scientifically since 1950. But only in 1992 it has been recognized as primary risk factor (casual, major) to population morbimortality, mainly by cardiovascular diseases. According to cause/effect logic and epidemiologic studies, the sedentarism in leisure has been considered an independent variant with a casual relation evidenced - of the population morbimortality. Nevertheless, few studies have pointed sedentarism as a dependant variant with other factors, as sex, age, tobacco, overweight etc. in terms of free time ipso facto considering workers of different occupations which energetic expenditure. This dissertation thesis aims to analyze the sedentarism rate among physical education teachers in public and private schools in Metropolitan Goiânia (Fundamental and High School). The transversal descriptive method has been adopted to the study, along with IPAQ and PARQ questionnaires. 98 teachers have been interviewed by the researcher in the place they work with no previous contact. Among the data, the sedentarism rate in free time (dependent variant), age, sex, marital status (independent variants). IBGEs statistic methodology has been adopted. Age range: 30, 36 (SD-Standard Deviation). Results: High incidence of sedentarism in free time (28,6%). The others (71,4%) practice any sportive activity at least three times a week, during 30 minutes daily which confirms the hypothesis of this study. In conclusion, the level of physical activities presents a similar tendency among both sexes. Sedentarism accurs due to many factors, as: lack of time, selfindulgence, overwork, few economic resources, computer and technology implementation, etc. Sedentarism among Physical Education teachers has resulted in high level, considering free time. 0% would be the ideal rate, since they are directly responsible to promoting health and developing the population consciousness, mainly in terms of preventing chronic degenerative diseases.


ciencias da saude educação física professores physical education teachers tempo livre physical activies sedentarismo sedentarism

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