Induction of citric acid cycle enzymes during initiation of sporulation by guanine nucleotide deprivation.


In Bacillus subtilis, conditions causing partial deprivation of guanine nucleotides initiated sporulation and caused the synthesis of citrate synthase, aconitase, and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase could also be induced by acetate, and the specific activity of this enzyme was elevated in mutants that had high intracellular acetyl coenzyme A concentrations because they lacked citrate synthase activity. After deprivation of guanine nucleotides, the intracellular concentration of acetyl coenzyme A also increased, which explained the induction of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. Furthermore, the decreases in alpha-ketoglutarate and L-malate concentrations observed during this deprivation accounted for the observed increases in citrate synthase activity (which was repressed by alpha-ketoglutarate and malate) and aconitase activity (which was repressed by alpha-ketoglutarate).

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