Induction of Morphogenesis in Geodermatophilus by Inorganic Cations and by Organic Nitrogenous Cations


Morphogenesis of Geodermatophilus strain 22–68 involves two stages, a motile rod (R form) and an irregularly shaped cluster of coccoid cells (C form). A variety of mono- and divalent cations have been found to induce R-form to C-form morphogenesis and to maintain the organism in the C form. Concentration optima for all cations exceeded 100 mM. Results indicated that uptake of cations was accompanied by extrusion of intracellular protons, causing an increase in intracellular pH. A variety of organic amines also induced morphogenesis. Organic amines were taken up in the dissociated free base form, causing the intracellular pH to rise. None of these compounds was utilized as a carbon or nitrogen source.

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