Industrial pollution prevention: opportunities assessment, benefits and barriers analysis / Prevenção à poluição industrial: identificação de oportunidades, análise dos benefícios e barreiras




Pollution prevention is an environmental management approach that prioritizes the source reduction of wastes as a way to preserve natural resources and reduce material, water and energy losses, conversely to the traditional approach, based on end of pipe technologies. In spite of the environmental and economic benefits, many barriers can impede the widespreading of pollution prevention practices at industry, among them, the most important one is the lack of consciousness on the pollution prevention benefits. To overcome this barrier, it is necessary to develop and report concepts and tools to support the opportunity assessment process, tools to monitor and evaluate industrial processes environmental performance, as well as case studies on pollution prevention alternatives to different industrial sectors. This research fundamental aim is to present the concepts, approaches and tools necessary to understand the pollution prevention approach and to develop, implement and monitor industrial pollution prevention plans. A case study was conducted in a company to evaluate the concept application, the utilization of the apportunities assessment tools, and the benefits and barriers. The results provide a theoric framework so that other similar studies can be conducted, and also serve as an incentive for the company where the case study was conducted, to improve its environmental management activities by adopting pollution prevention concept as a guiding principle.


produção mais limpa eco-eficiência eco-efficiency prevenção à poluição gestão ambiental industrial waste pollution prevention environmental management resíduos industriais cleaner production

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