Inexistencia de blow-up hiperbolico simples para a equação quasi-geostrofica




Nonexistence of simple hyperbolic blow-up for the quasigeostrophic equation. This master dissertation deals with the quasigeostrophic equations, a system of integro-differential equations that has been proposed as a model for the process of large-scale front formation in the atmosphere. These equations have a structure that resembles the system of two dimensional incompressible and ideal fiuid dynamics but, in their scaling behavior, they bear an important analogy with the three dimensional equations. An important problem of current interest is the possibility of spontaneous singularity formation in initially smooth solutions of the quasigeostrophic equations, a problem bearing similarity with the celebrated analogous problem regarding solutions of 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes. The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the unexpected Cordoba Theorem (D. Cordoba, Ann. of Math. 148 (1998), 1135-1152), where it was established the impossibility of sin gularity formation through simple hyperbolic blow-up, which had been previously proposed and numerically investigated as a probable mech anism for singularity formation


dinamica dos fluidos singularidades (matematica) equações diferenciais parciais

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