Infection in liver transplantation: current epidemiology and predictive factors / Infecções apos transplante de figado : caracteristicas e fatores de risco




Infection is a frequent and severe complication of liver transplantation. Recent surgical and medical advances may have influenced epidemiology and risk factors of this complication. Aims: To study the epidemiology of infection in a prospective series of liver transplant recipients and to identify predictive factors for infection and its effects on survival. Patients and methods: patients consecutively submitted to liver transplantation between July 2000 and August 2001at the Clinical Hospital of Barcelona (Spain) were prospectively followed. The study analyzed data on incidence, etiology, risk factors and mortality. Results: Eighty-one patients were prospectively followed for 16_6 months. Forty-nine patients (60%) developed bacterial infections, half of them within 2 weeks after transplantation. Intraabdominal (23) and urinary infections (22) were the most frequent demonstrated infections. Gram-negative bacilli were isolated in 65% of culture-positive infections. Multiresistant bacteria, mainly Pseudomonas aeruginosas, accounted for 18,4% of these infections. Opportunistic viral and fungal infections were diagnosed in 21 patients (26%). There were 16 cytomegalovirus infection or disease (20%) and 9 fungal infections (11%). Independent risk factors for bacterial infection were renal impairment before transplantation (RR: 2,54; p=0,004), hemoperitoneum (RR: 2,85; p=0,001), and hepaticojejunostomy (RR: 2,89; p=0,015). Early posttransplant renal impairment with (RR: 9,55; p=0,016) or without hemodialysis requirement (RR: 6,29; p<0,001) and hepaticojejunostomy (RR: 7,34; p<0,001) were predictive factors for opportunistic infections. Eleven patients died during follow-up (13%), mainly because of sepsis (8 patients). Opportunistic infections (RR: 4.5; p=0.026) and hemodialysis requirement (RR=99.7; p<0.001) were the only identified independent predictors of mortality. Conclusions: Infections are still a frequent and severe complication following liver transplantation and are related to surgical factors and poor peritransplant renal function


renal insufficiency cytomegalovirus citomegalovirus insuficiencia renal

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