Inferências da lógica mental predicativa na compreensão de texto / Predicate mental logic inferences in text comprehension




The model of mental propositional logic of M.D.S. Braine, B.J. Reiser, and B.Rumain (1984) proved to be useful for explaining logical inferences during text comprehension. The use of mental predicate logic proposed by M.D.S. Braine (1998) in text comprehension has not been tested yet. The present study verified the predictions of errorless, effortless and automatic use of the schemas of mental predicate logic (MPL). Experiment 1 presented undergraduate students with short texts containing premises of single core schemas of the MPL and showed that inferences are drawn from these schemas errorlessly. The recognition task tested the relative difficulty of the MPL schemas as compared with schemas of formal logic and paraphrases. MPL inferences were perceived as so easy that they were often confounded with paraphrases of the text and judged as significantly easier that control sentences containing inferences valid in formal logic but not predicted by mental logic. The texts of Experiment 2 contained premises for 2 to 3 core schemas of the MPL which required the subjects to apply them in a line of reasoning predicted by the Direct Reasoning Routine (DRR) of the MPL theory. The participants applied the DRR and came to the correct conclusions practically errorlessly. The recognition task confirmed the effortless application of the MPL schemas. Experiment 3 used the naming task to test the on-line application of the or-elimination schema of the MPL (For example: everyone on the meeting wanted tea or juice; the secretary did not want juice /the secretary wanted tea). The results showed that readers draw these inferences automatically at the moment the premises appear conjointly in the working memory. These findings corroborated the predictions for the use of mental predicate logic in text comprehension. The discussion focuses on the connection between mental logic and text comprehension theories


inferências lógicas compreensão do texto psicologia inferências elaboradas lógica mental

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