Influence of inhibition of movements of upper limbs in the vertical component of ground reaction forces in human gait / Influência da inibição dos movimentos dos membros superiores na componente vertical das forças de reação do solo na marcha humana




This study aimed to investigate if there are differences in the normal barefoot gait with and without the inhibition of the superior members, using the .shirt of force " and more specifically to identify if there are differences in the kinetic variables first peak of force (PPF), rate of weight acceptance (TAP), the second peak of force (SPF) and support medium, in the conditions of normal gait and gait with inhibition of the superior limbs in the speeds of 4 km/h + 10% and 6 km/h + 10% barefoot. 20 women were selected with average age of 24,15 + 3,08 years old, average height 162,9 + 4,8 cm and medium corporal mass 63,005 + 8,689kg, physically active, without report of lesions in the inferior limbs in the six months prior to collections, neither abnormalities in the feet. The instruments were properly gauged. Descriptive statistics based on the arithmetic averages, the standard deviations and the variation coefficients, were used for the data analysis. The normality and homogeneity of the data was checked through the test of Shapiro-Wilk and Levene respectively. When comparing the situations of normal gait and gait with inhibition of the superior limbs it was used the student t Test considering p ≤ 0,05. In conclusion, the gait with speed of 4 km/h with the inhibition of the superior limbs does not promote significant differences compared with the situation of normal gait in the kinetic variables first peak of force, second peak of force, rate of weight acceptance and medium support, neither for the second peak of force and rate of weight acceptance in the speed of 6 km/h. On the other hand, the study showed that the inhibition of the superior members influences the first peak of force and the medium support significantly in the speed of 6 km/h.


biomecânica membros superiores marcha força de reação no solo ground reaction force locomoção humana educacao fisica uper limbs gait biomechanics

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