Influence of the type of framework system in the adaptation and microleakage of all-ceramic crowns / Influência do tipo de sistema de infra-estrutura na adaptação e microinfiltração de coroas totais cerâmicas




The objectives of this study were to quantify the microleakage and the loss of marginal adaptation before and after cementation of all-ceramic crowns, with four types of infrastructure systems, and to compare these parameters. After approval by the Committee on Ethics in Research of Dental School of University of São Paulo, 40 human third molars received all-ceramic crowns, 2 glass-infiltrated ceramics (In-Ceram alumina Slip-Cast (S) and the block In-Ceram Alumina CA-12 (CA) ) and 2 polycrystalline alumina ceramics (Procera / Nobel Biocare (P) and the block Ceram In-Al-20, CEREC In-Lab (EC) (n = 10). The gap between ceramic dental prosthesis and tooth was measured before and after cementation of the crowns. They were subjected to mechanical load cycling (100,000 cycles, 8 Kgf, 4 Hz), thermocycling (700 cycles, 5 / 55 ° C per minute), immersed in 0.5% methylene blue dye for 4 hours and then sectioned in the mesial / distal and buccal / lingual aspects. The images were obtained in stereomicroscope (20X) and the marginal fit data were evaluated by ANOVA (and Tukey test). The microleakage values were analyzed by the correlation analysis of examiners and the Kruskal-Wallis test. There were no significant differences between the ceramic systems (S = 38, P = 49, CA = 50 and CE = 39 ? m). The factor "region" of the cementation line has presented statistical differences. The loss of adaptation was higher on the pulpal wall (61 ? m), followed by gingival-axial (49 ? m) and axial-pulpal (58 ? m) angles. The axial walls and margins were the sites of the smallest displacement (27 and 26 ?m, respectively). There was statistical difference between the two techniques of measurement, before and after cementation (47 and 41 ?m, respectively). Statistically significant difference among the four types of ceramic systems was detected for microleakage, whereas S and CE showed higher levels of infiltration, followed by P and CA. However, no correlation was found between microleakage and loss of marginal adaptation. It was concluded that the four systems produced all-ceramic crowns with the line of cementation within clinically acceptable limits.


microinfiltração dental ceramics prótese dental cerâmicas dentais dental prosthesis in-ceram adaptação in-ceram procera microleakage procera adaptation

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