Influência da delimitação da área adesiva no ensaio mecânico de microcisalhamento / Evaluation of adhesive area delimitation on microshear test




This study had as objectives to evaluate if the delimitation of adhesive area on microshear test is capable to modify the values of shear bond strength; to determine if this delimitation can modify the ranking of the analyzed adhesive systems and to correlate the found types of failure with the values of bond strength in each experimental group. The specimens were confectioned on 18 incisors bovine dentine surfaces randomly distributed into 3 groups, according to adhesive system used (Adper Single Bond 2, Clearfil If Bond, Clearfil S3 Bond). In such a way, 6 experimental groups were designed according to two factors of variation to be studied: adhesive system and delimitation of the adhesive area. Over each dentin surface were confectioned 4 composite resin cylinders, being 2 with delimitation of the adhesive area and 2 without the delimitation of this area, totalizing n=12. After 24 hours of storage the specimens were submitted to microshear test Statistical test ANOVA (p<0,01) and Tukey?s test determined that all the experimental groups where the delimitation of the adhesive area was carried through presented lesser values of shear bond strength when compared with its respective control groups (without delimitation of adhesive area). Groups without area delimitation did not been demonstrate statistical significant differences between adhesives. On the other hand, when such delimitation was not carried through, the adhesive system Clearfil S3 Bond demonstrates greater values of shear bond strength compared to Adper Single 2 Bond and Clearfil SE Bond, which did not showed statistical difference between them. It was concluded that the delimitation of the adhesive area in the microshear test altered the obtained results of adhesive resistance, and that the modification of microshear test methodology was capable to modify the ranking of the analyzed adhesive systems.


microcisalhamento microshear adhesives delimitação de área adesivos area delimitation resistência adesiva shear bond strength

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