Influência da insulina exógena em diferentes doses sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos de cabras nulíparas da raça Anglo-nubiana. / Influence of exogenous insulin in different doses on the reproductive parameters of nulliparous goats of Anglo-nubian.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Thirty-nine nulliparous and cyclic Anglo-nubian goats were synchronized using 60 mg MPA (Progespon, Syntex, Argentina) vaginal sponge for 10 days associated with an luteolytic treatment 50 μg cloprostenol, 48 h before sponge removal (SR). Goats were allocated in three groups: Insulin I (n=13), Insulin II (n=13) and Control (n=13). In Insulin I and II groups, all animals were treated subcutaneously with 0.14 IU/kg BW/day and 0.2 IU/kg BW/day human long acting insulin, respectively, during three consecutive days beginning 48h before SR. In control group saline solution was administrated. The goats were monitored three times a day for the occurrence of estrous and mated at onset of estrous and again 24 h later, using three Anglonubian bucks of confirmed fertility. Transrectal ultrasonography of ovaries was perfomed for monitoring ovulatory follicle dynamics and ovulation rate. The growing of the ovulatory follicles were analyzed 24 h after SR until ovulation and the ovulation rate was determined 3 days after maiting. The pregnancy detection was performed 25, 35 and 45 days after breeding by transrectal ultrasonography. Blood samples were collected from 48h before sponge removal to 12 day of gestation for insulin and progesterone assay. Insulin administration showed a significant effect (p <0.05) on insulineamia changes, exhibiting a positive cumulative increasing of plasmatic insulin concentration. None evidence statistically significant (p >0.05) was found on estrus responses between groups. The preovulatory follicle growing pattern indicated a significant effect of insulin treatment (p <0.05). The insulin goats treated exhibit a higher (p <0.05) mean ovulatory rate when compared to untreated goats (1.70 0.23 pooled mean vs. 1.00 0.21), and Insulin 0.14 UI group showed the higher CL size (p <0.05) and more than 50% of ovulation was at 36 hours from OE (p <0.05). In Insulin groups was observed the higher frequency of pregnancy loss before the 12 days after mating. However, during the gestational period, losses decrease significantly (p <0.05) in these treatments, whereas in Untreated group pregnancy failure was maintained similar between intervals. At kidding, litter size was similar between Insulin 0.14 UI (1.50 0.22), Insulin 0.2 UI (1.14 0.14) and Untreated (1.20 0.20) groups (p >0.05). The results indicating that there is beneficial effect of insulin on ovarian response and fertility in nulliparous goats.


resposta reprodutiva cabras nulíparas insulina reproducao animal reproductive response goats nulliparous insulin

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