Influencia das taxas direcionais de resfriamento na evolução da solidificação em sistemas metal/molde




The microstructure and properties of castings depend on cooling conditions during solidification,or more precisely, on cooling rates and consequently on the thermal resistance of metal/mould and mould/environment interfaces. The main objective of this work consists on analysing the solidification process by using mathematical tools, and on the characterisation of heat flow at these interfaces by fitting experimental and simulated temperature profiles. The experiments were carried out in unidirectional and bidimensional conditions, by using Sn 10% Pb as the standard material, and copper and steel moulds with variable thickness. The experimental temperature profiles were fitted to those simulated by a numerical model based on a Finite Difference Technique, and the variations of interface heat transfer coefficients were determined. By using these heat transfer coefficients simulations were performed by the numerical model in order to predict the progress of solidification under conditions of different directional cooling rates. The model has proved to be efficient and versatile


calor - coeficiente de transferencia fundição solidificação modelos matematicos

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