Influência de fármacos anticonvulsivantes no bruxismo de crianças com paralisia cerebral / Influence of anticonvulsivant drugs on bruxism in children with cerebral palsy




The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of anticonvulsant drugs on bruxism in children with cerebral palsy (CP), using a sample of 203 individuals who were divided into three paired groups: two groups of children with CP (EG1 and EG2) and a control group (CG) composed of normal children. The first group was constituted by children with CP who did not take anticonvulsant drugs (EG1) while children of the second group (EG2) took such medication on a regular basis. Bruxism assessment was conducted through the use of a questionnaire directed to the caretakers. The main pharmacological groups used in EG2 were: valproate, barbituric, benzodiazepine, and carbamazepine. EG1 and EG2 did not differ from each other in relation to frequency of bruxism but were both statistically significantly different from the CG (p<0.005). No statistical differences were observed between the groups regarding presence of absence of bruxism in relation to age groups and moments of occurrence of bruxism (during sleep, awake or during sleep and awake). Children from EG2 who took barbituric anticonvulsants presented with a higher frequency of bruxism than those who took the other types of medication studied, which had similar results. When the presence of bruxism exclusively during sleep was investigated, individuals from the benzodiazepine group had a lower frequency of bruxism compared to those of the barbituric group (p=0.01). There were no statistically significant differences in the frequency of occurrence of bruxism in children with CP who take and who do not take anticonvulsant drugs. Children taking barbituric drugs presented with a higher frequency of bruxism than those who took valproate, benzodiazepine and carbamazepine.


cerebral palsy bruxism fármacos anticonvulsivantes anticonvulsivants drugs bruxismo paralisia cerebral

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