Influencia do modo de ativação, da ciclagem mecanica e da ceramica na resistencia a tração diametral de cimentos resinosos / Influence of activation modes, mechanical fatigue and ceramic on resin cements diametral tensile strength




The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the activation methods and the mechanical fatigue on diametral tensile strength of dual resin cements. Base and catalyst pastes of the cements RelyX ARC, Enforce, Nexus 2 and RelyX UNICEM were mixed and inserted into cylindrical silicon moulds (4 x 2 mm) and divided in groups according to their activation methods: 1) without photoactivation (chemical activation); 2) direct curing (dual ativation); 3) light activation through porcelain disk. After being stored for 24 hours in distillated water at 37ºC, half of the samples of each group (n=10) were subjected to 30,000 mechanical cycles at 1 Hz frequency and 12 N load. The samples not cycled remained in distillated water at 37ºC for 32 h after the mixing, so they were tested with the same time that the other fatigued samples did. Then, the samples were subjected to Diametral Tensile Strength (DTS) in Instron universal machine with 0,5 mm/min speed. The data of the Diametral Tensile Strength (MPa) obtained for each cement in chemical, indirect dual and direct dual modes of activation were submeted to three-way analysis of variance and Turkey s Student Range Test (5%) and showed that only the activation methods and the cement type presented significant difference. Mechanical fatigue and triple factors interation didn t present significant difference. The data of the cement factor with chemical activation, indirect curing and direct curing was respectively: RelyX ARC (49.68 ± 8.42; 63.43 ± 6.92 e 55.12 ± 5.16), Enforce (49.12 ± 3.89; 56.96 ± 6.45 and 56.42 ± 8.88), RelyX ARC (28.12 ± 11.21; 40.10 ± 4.39 and 37.44 ± 6.49) and Nexus 2 (61.89 ± 11.21; 62.56 ± 10.93 and 59.26 ± 9.47). After Turkey s test, the data showed that the cement Nexus 2 didn t present increase in the DTS values when it was light actived comparing to chemical curing. The others cement presented higher values when directly or indirectly photoactivated compared with the values obtained with chemical activation mode. The exception was the RelyX ARC cement that obtained the same data when it was direct cured and chemical activated. The interposition of porcelain disk during the photoactivation did alter the DTS values only for the RelyX ARC cement. However, the mechanical fatigue didn t alter the DTS values of any dual resin cement tested. Each dual cement composition, as their activation mode, was fundamental in order to obtain its DTS values.


cimentos de resina resin cements dental materials materiais dentarios

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