Influências da formalização de práticas de recrutamento &seleção na rotatividade de uma empresa do ramo alimentício de Fortaleza / Influence of formalization of employment practices in the selection &rotation of a food company in Fortaleza




The purpose of the present work is to relate the reduction of the turnover to the formalization of recruitment and selection practices, to the profits in the finances and to the improvement of organizational climate. The relevance of the study is a related to the necessity of searching more systemized knowledge concerning the relation of formal practices of administration of human resources and the growth of competitiveness in companies. The delineation of the present study follows the principles of a case study and bibliographic research, with explorative and qualitative objectives. The research was carried through in a company the food branch located in Fortaleza during the months of march and july of 2007. It involved members of the managerial staff and employees of the operational level that already worked in the company before the new period of implantation of recruitment and the selection practices. The analyzed data had been collected through interviews and documents. The theoretical referential aims to evaluate in which way the formalization of the recruitment and selection practices can contribute to the reduction of the turnover and which are the effects of this over the profits in the finances and the improvement of organizational climate. The results point to a reduction of turnover after the formalization of recruitment and selection, and that it brought, as consequence, improvements in the organizational climate and financial profits once it was noticed a reduction of costs.


administracao turnover financeiro financial rotatividade conscription and selection organizational climate clima organizacional recrutamento e seleção seleção de pessoal comportamento organizacional

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