Information flows and nowledee to innovations in the cluster of confetions in Salvador-Bahia. / Fluxos de informações e conhecimentos para inovações no arranjo produtivo local de confecções em Salvador-BA.




The present work studies the dynamics of the innovation in a clusters of companies, its relation with the flows of information and knowledge and the structure of the network of interactions between the companies. The network social analysis was adopted to identify the structural properties of the companies network involved with cluster of confections of Salvador-Ba with the basis in the information flow and knowledge involved in the interactions that occur in consequence of the necessity to develop innovations. A research was carried through with the application of a structuralized questionaire applied to thirty six companies of the cluster. The obtained data made it possible to evaluate structural metrics of the network of interactions and the influence that was related to the information flows and involved knowledge with the innovation. In the end, possible metric references are appointed that can characterize the intensity of the interactions and cooperation between companies of the cluster.


arranjo produtivo local fluxos de informações ciencia da informacao knowledge flows innovation inovações análise de redes sociais fluxos de conhecimentos cluster social network analysis information flows

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