Initiation of HIV-2 reverse transcription: a secondary structure model of the RNA–tRNALys3 duplex


Oxford University Press


Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) reverse transcription is initiated from cellular tRNALys3 partially annealed to the RNA viral genome at the primer binding site (PBS). This annealing involves interactions between two highly structured RNA molecules. In contrast to HIV-1, in which the reverse transcription initiation complex has been thoroughly studied, there is still little information regarding a possible model to describe the secondary structure of the template–primer complex in HIV-2. To determine whether HIV-2 RNA sequences flanking the PBS may specifically interact with the natural primer tRNA, we performed site-directed mutagenesis and enzymatic footprinting. An RNA fragment corresponding to the HIV-2 U5 RNA domain and tRNALys3 were probed either in their free form or in the binary complex. Important reactivity changes to nucleases were obtained upon complex formation. In addition to the canonical contacts between the viral PBS and the 3′ end acceptor stem of tRNALys3, we identified two additional interacting domains: (i) the U-rich region of the anticodon loop with the A-rich sequence of the internal loop within the U5-prePBS region; (ii) nucleotides 48–54 from the TΨC domain of tRNALys3 and the 240–247 region of viral U5-RNA. In view of these experimental data and sequence comparison between different HIV-2 isolates, we propose a model for the secondary structure of the HIV-2 template–primer initiation complex.

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