Inovação tecnologica e demandas ambientais : notas sobre o caso da industria brasileira de papel e celulose




This work contributes to the comprehension of how environmental issues are incorporated by innovative and technological capability strategies, by means of a study of the pulp and paper Brazilian industry. In this sense, we discuss the perception by the economic agents about environmental issues (notion of "environrnental demands vectors"). Firstly, we set the context of the debate about the economic aspects related to the environrnental issues and retrieve features that attests to the relevance ofthe theme nowadays. Secondly, we expose briefly the form by which conventional theoretical view explains the incorporation of environmental issues into economic agents strategies. Environmental Neoclassic Economics conceive that incorporation as a reactive process that aims at the compliance with the environrnental control instruments. This conception states that innovation and technological capability are desirable results of the application of these instruments. The proposition developed in this work is that environrnental issues take place as a factor incorporated by economic agents strategies not only as a variable to the coercive internalization of the costs arisen out of the environmental exploitation, but also as a matter of construction of competitive advantages, an opportunity to take advantage of capabilities for the enhancement in market-share or even for the segmentation or the development of new markets. Finally, the study in the pulp and paper industry presents some of the main sources of environmental impacts generated by the activities of this industry, analyzes the environmental demands faced by it and identifies some tendencies of development of environmental demands


inovação tecnologica meio ambiente industria de celulose - aspectos ambientais papel - industria - aspectos ambientais

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