Insertional editing of nascent mitochondrial RNAs in Physarum


The National Academy of Sciences of the USA


Maturation of Physarum mitochondrial RNA involves the highly specific insertion of nonencoded nucleotides at multiple locations. To investigate the mechanism(s) by which this occurs, we previously developed an isolated mitochondrial system in which run-on transcripts are accurately and efficiently edited by nucleotide insertion. Here we show that under limiting concentrations of exogenous nucleotides the mitochondrial RNA polymerases stall, generating a population of nascent RNAs that can be extended upon addition of limiting nucleotide. Several of these RNA species have been characterized and were found to be fully edited, indicating that nascent RNA is a substrate for nucleotide insertion in isolated Physarum mitochondria. Remarkably, these RNAs are edited at positions located within 14–22 nucleotides of the polymerase active site, suggesting that insertional editing may be physically or functionally associated with transcription. The absence of unedited RNA in these experiments indicates that large tracts of RNA downstream of editing sites are not required for nucleotide addition, and argues that insertional editing in Physarum occurs with a 5′ to 3′ polarity. These data also provide strong evidence that insertional editing in Physarum is mechanistically distinct from editing in kinetoplastid systems.

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