Integrando testes de dominios aos testes baseados em maquinas finitas de estados estendidas




Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) are much utilized in protocoI specification. For testing it there are many techniques, used in conformance testing. Conformance testing of communication protocols aims at verifying that the externaI behaviour of a protocoI implementation complies with th protocoI specification. To test EFSM based specifications was developed CONDADO tooI, in Computing Institute (UNICAMP). This tooI combines different specification-based test methods: transition testing for the controI part of a protocoI and syntax and equivalence partitioning fot the data parto. This work develops a CONDADO extension, intending to improve data generation. Equivalence partitioning will be substituted by domain testing to consider the predicates associated with transitions. With domain testing will be decreased the number of case tests corresponding to non-executable paths


software - testes engenharia de software redes de computação - protocolos

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