Integrated use of superficial and groundwater in the Capané Creek Valley, Cachoeira do Sul-RS County : a GIS analysis proposal. / Uso integrado de recursos hídricos superficiais e subterrâneos na bacia do Arroio Capané-RS: uma proposta de análise por geoprocessamento




Main economical activity in the Capanés Creek Valley, Cachoeira do Sul-RS County, the rice cropping has carried institutional actors, as well as the local comunities, to develop fragmented land use planning and projects, which does not take care of environmental weakness and suitability of the whole catchment. This work deals with the viability analisys of an integrated use of surficial and groundwater, using for it geoprocessing techniques as GIS Geographical Information System and remote sensing products. Applying these techniques, it was found an hidric deficit less by than 60% those was assessed by traditional methods. The groundwater reserwairs were assessed analising the viability of its intagrated use at the irrigated agriculture. Some principles directions of technical and economical analysis, by using geoprocessing techniques, were delineated


geoprocessamento arroio capané recurso hídrico geologia bacia hidrográfica informação geográfica rio grande do sul

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