Inteligência competitiva e de gestão de informação estratégica na regulação do serviço de fornecimento de energia elétrica no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul.




This research has as objective the description of information management process in the State Agency of Public Services Regulation from Mato Grosso do Sul (AGEPAN) with focus in the strategical decision making as source of competitive intelligence in the regulation of the electric energy distribution market in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. In the external environment it had been identified the National Agency of Electric Energy, the State Agency of Public Services Regulation from Mato Grosso do Sul, the State, the concessionaires Enersul and Elektro and the Society, represented by the Supervision for Consumers Orientation and Defence (Procon), Public Prosecution Service, Self- Regulating Body of the Engineering and Architecture Profession, Brazilian Lawyers Association-MS, as actors in the regulation process. The played roles per item of these actors had been described. The information used by AGEPAN had been defined from the interests and necessities for taking of strategical decision according to Agencys strategical planning. The stages of the management process from these information as source of competitive intelligence in the regulation had been described for the AGEPAN decision makers, from the collection of data by interview in depth with the members of the Decision Advice of the Agency. As referencial theoretician for elaboration of the script from the interviews the model of information management proposed by Choo was used. According to the decision makers interviewed, the process of management of the described information did not present evidences that could characterize the decision taking as source of competitive intelligence in the stage of the relative management to the adaptative behavior.


inteligência competitiva information management agência reguladora electric energy service. ciencia da informacao regulação serviço de energia elétrica. regulation competitive intelligence regulating agency gestão da informação

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