Intelligent system architecture for virtual sensing of oxygen in bi-fuel vehicle with electronic fuel injection / Arquitetura de sistema inteligente para sensoriamento virtual de oxigênio em veículos bicombustíveis com injeção eletrônica




The automotive industry is one of the most important sectors in Brazilians economy and in the world. In recent years, this industry has been forced to improve the performance of their produced vehicles and to reduce their costs. One of the landmarks of this transformation was the development of the oxygen sensor, which is one of the main elements of the engine management systems. This dissertation proposes the use of intelligent systems architectures for virtual oxygen sensing of bi-fuel vehicles, using multilayer Perceptron artificial neural networks. The implemented topologies reach results with mean relative errors less than 1% in hundreds of topologies. It was also noted that the approach to train the neural network with all types of fuels, using subsets of data universe, it is the most appropriate to have a virtual sensing of oxygen in bi-fuel vehicles.


artificial neural networks virtual oxygen sensor sensor de oxigênio virtual redes neurais artificiais veículos bicombustíveis bi-fuel vehicles electronic fuel injection virtual sensing injeção eletrônica de combustível sensoriamento virtual

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