Interação de Leptospira interrogans com o sistema proteolítico plasminogênio/plasmina: análise, caracterização e possíveis implicações na infecção. / Leptospira interrogans interactions with the plasminogen/plasmin proteolytic system: analysis, characterization and possible implications for the infection.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by pathogenic bacteria from genus Leptospira. Despite its importance, the pathogenicity and virulence remain to be elucidated. The leptospires do not present known proteases able to degrade extracellular matrix, an activity essential for the penetration and dissemination within the hosts. Therefore, we proposed the investigation of the leptospiral interaction with plasminogen/plasmin and its implications for infection. Leptospires capture plasminogen on the surface, which is converted to plasmin by hosts activators. Surface-bound plasmin confers extracellular matrix components degradation, penetration ability and immune evasion. Additionally, leptospires stimulate plasminogen activators and matrix metaloproteases expressions. The results constitute one possible mechanism that contributes to the invasion process and the rapid dissemination of Leptospira.


bacterial infections bactérias patogênicas infecções bacterianas leptospirose leptospirosis pathogenic bacteria virulence virulência

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