Interações magneticas dipolares entre fios e microfios magneticos




The results of the magnetic dipolar field in an array of amorphous ferromagnetic wires and microwires of composition Fe77,5Si12,5B15 are presented in this dissertation. Due to their peculiar domain structure, in principle, they can be approximated to magnetic dipoles, a11owing the analysis of the magnetostatic field among these macroscopic entities. The studies were carried out in arrays of wires placed side by side. The magnetic loops were measured changing the number of elements. Moreover, in the case of two parallel wires, measurements as function of the distance between the wires were performed. The magnetic measurements were carried out in an inductive magnetometer developed during this project and a1so using a SQUID magnetometer. The results are explained considering the dipolar field created by each wire in the array. The dipolar field changes the reversal field of the wires, a11owing the appearance of plateaus during the demagnetization. The effects of the dipolar field were also observed in magnetoimpedance measurements when a Fe-rich wire in placed near an amorphous Co-based wire, its presence dislocates the Co-based wire magnetoimpedance curves, ana1ogously as a bias field


interações dipolares dipolar interactions magnetismo magnetism

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