Interaction of wild-type and variant mouse 3T3 cells with lectins from Bandeiraea simplicifolia seeds.


An isolectin (BS I-B4) derived from Bandeiraea simplicifolia seeds and specific for terminal alpha-D-galactopyranosyl groups was found to be cytotoxic to Swiss 3T3 mouse cells. After mutagenesis and selection with BS I-B4, a variant clonal cell line resistant to both this isolectin and the alpha-D- and beta-D-galactose-binding lectin abrin was isolated. The parental cell line showed homogeneous and noninteracting binding sites for BS I-B4, whereas the variant cells exhibited a curved plot with a reduced number of binding regions. Another lectin, BS II, which is derived from the same seeds by specific for terminal N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl groups, was cytotoxic to the variant but not the parental cells. These results suggest a possible lesion in the biosynthesis of cell surface structures resulting in the exposure of subterminal N-acetyl-D-glucosaminyl moieties in the variant line.

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