Interger fatorization and groups on conics / Fatoração de inteiros e grupos sobre conicas




The objective of this paper is to factorize integer number using rational points on the unitary circle. Also, it intends to determinate some groups on the conics. The research begins with the basic concepts of Algebra and Number Theory ensuring that the rational points set on the unitary circle has a structure of group. From this set is possible to extend the idea of rational points on the circle toward rational points on conics. In order to find the rational points on the circle a parametrization by trigonometric function on it was used. For each point on the unitary circle it is associated an angle with abscissa positive axis, therefore adding points on the circle equals to add its corresponding angles. With the operation of "addition" points on the circle it is possible to define a group structure that is used to factorize integer numbers. For the conic, the "addition" operation is algebraically determinated when the angle coeficient of the line is calculated that joins two given points and the neutral element of that conic, which is geometrically justified. In the research the rational points groups on the conics were determined, and some result on these groups using quadratic residues were demonstrated, and it was finalized with the deduction of some results concerning the coordinates sum of points on a conics


corpos algebricos teoria dos numeros algebraic fields reciprocity theorms factorization (mathematics) fatoração (matematica) algorithms algoritmos number theory teoria de reciprocidade

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