Interpretações e avaliações do agir em textos de opinião




This survey has a broader aim which is to aggregate some aspects to the teaching of reading comprehension in Brazil, which comprise the description of texts in a linguistic-discursive perspective and the analysis of the understanding and assessment of acting represented in the texts as resources for a more complex and efficient reading process, necessary for the development of a more reflexive and independent reader. With that in mind, we considered a conception of learning based on the principles of socio-interacionism (Vygotsky, 1933, 1934), and, with regards to the teaching process of reading, an approach of interactive nature (Dolz, 1994;Kleiman, 1999). We also adopted the assumptions of the socio-discursif interacionism (Bronckart, 1997; 99 e 2004), interdisciplinary side of Psychology, which attributes the acting and the language a preponderant role in human development. The data collected and analyzed are articles expressing opinions and journalistic comments extracted from Folha de S. Paulo newspaper. Six texts were selected, all of which published in the months of February and March, 2004, which had as the main subject, in some way, the political crisis that arose from corruption charges against the then assistant (Waldomiro Diniz) of the State Minister, José Dirceu. Said articles present an explicit intertextuality. The analysis was conducted according to the procedures proposed by Bronckart (1997-99, Bronckart, 2004) and Bronckart and Machado (2004), observing their organizational, enunciating and semantic characteristics, highlighting the analysis of the representation of acting and its actors, which are the same in all different texts. This analysis aimed at revealing which interpretative figures of acting are construed by the texts. The results of the analysis and conclusions we came to, specially with regards to the relation between linguistic marks and interpretative figures which were represented in the different texts, allow us to assert that the different representations of acting lead us to different interpretations of the facts and the acting interpreted and assessed in the texts. We could, therefore, conclude that the practice of reading articles expressing opinion, under the perspective of the semantic analysis of acting opens a new field of text interpretation, as we observe two categories of assessment of acting. The first one refers to the assessment that texts make of the facts and of the people involved in the facts. The second category refers to the discursive net that these text construe, given the intertextuality existing among them and which generates another category of assessing the acting: the interpretation and assessment of the language acting of the text producers


analise do discurso teaching of reading in brazil leitura ensino de leitura no brasil linguistica aplicada interacao social

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