Intimidation homophobe, stratégies d’adaptation et intégration de l’orientation sexuelle


Fractal, Rev. Psicol.




Abstract Sexual minority youths (SMY) face challenges in consolidating their sexual identity because of heterosexism. The role of homophobic bullying and coping strategies in the formation of sexual identity has been explored within a convenient sample of 262 sexual minority youths. Six dimensions of sexual identity formation have been tested, independent variables being: homophobic bullying, coping strategies (avoidance and problem-solving), age, gender, migration trajectory, residency, sexual attraction and time elapsed since the realization of the sexual identity difference. Homophobic bullying was associated with a lower score of sexual identity affirmation and higher scores of identity concealment, internalized homo/bi-phobia, acceptance concern, identity uncertainty and process difficulty. Problem-solving coping strategies were associated with acceptance concerns. Avoidance coping strategies were associated with higher scores of acceptance concern and process difficulty in accepting non-heterosexual identity. Results confirm the importance of homo/bi-phobia prevention in order to help SMY in sexual identity consolidation.

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