Invariantes de planaridade




The splíttíng number of a graph G is the minimum number of splitting steps needed to turn G into a planar graph; where each step replaces some of the edges (u, v) incident to a selected vertex u by edges (u , v), where u is a new vertex. The skewness of G is the minimum number of edges that need to be deleted from G to produce a planar graph. The vertex deletíon number of G is the smallest integer k such that there is a planar induced subgraph of G obtained by the removal of k vertices of G. In this work, we show exact values for the splíttíng number, skewness and vertex deletíon number of the graphs Cn x Cm, where Cn is the simple circuit on n vertices, and for the splíttíng number and vertex deletíon number of a triangulation of Cn x Cm


teoria dos grafos

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