Investigação de modos de extração aplicados a plantas de uso fitoterápico e tópico / Investigation of extraction modes applied to plant of phytopharmaceutical and topic use




The interest for plants of medicinal and cosmetic application demands methods with efficient extraction. Sample preparation is one of most important steps in the development of an analytic methodology in herbal preparation. The present work proposes methodologies for the analysis of the secondary metabolites in natural products, with emphasis in extraction procedures. The following plants were evaluated: soy (Glycine max), capsicum (Capsicum anuum), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla), guaraná (Paullinia cupana), mate (Ilex paraguariensis) by the use of capillary electrophoresis. The first proposed method was applied to the determination of isoflavones in soy germ capsules from four different pharmaceutical laboratories. Peak assignment of unknown isoflavones in certain samples was assisted by hydrolysis procedures, migration behavior and UV spectra comparison. A study of the composition of metabolites and nutrients as flavonoids, organic acids, carbohydrates, cations, anions and fatty acids were evaluated in soy leaf. An easy, rapid method of extraction was performed for capsicnoids in Capsicum anuum by Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion (MSPD). Different solid phases C18, silica and florisil were tested. To guaraná different methodologies of extraction were tested (ultrasound, turrax) compared to exhaustive Soxhlet extract. The influence of operating parameters (temperature, time) on the extraction efficiency of chamomile by ultrasound was studied, compared extract by maceration and processing. The mixture of water and glycol was used.


eletroforese capilar fitoterápicos phytopharmaceutical industrial extraction capillary electrophoresis plantas medicinais extração por solvente medicinal plants

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